Posts Tagged "advertising"

If you are like me then, you definitely enjoy a good advertisment and also spread the word about that product or service. Even if is about cars, electronics or even condoms, a good advertisment can make your day better and it can also be a source of inspiration for your future projects. In this post I’ve selected some of the most hilarious and creative ads. Most of them were even awarded by top Advertising companies so I’m pretty sure that you will enjoy every one of them.

You can see bellow many famous products and surprisingly many more not that famous products and services that gain credibility and they actually have pretty good advertisments.

1. Volkswagen Touareg – Goat ad


2. Bose Noise – Waterfall


3. Pepsi Twist


4. Silan Wrestling


5. Spicy Pringles


6. Magic Scotch


7. Burger King

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