Back in the early 2000’s I remember that people really loved that pixelated style (Pixel Art) that E-boy and other pixel artists developed. It’s awesome because it remind us that videogame fell and got all that isometry techniques that are pretty hard to master. Back in those days, I quite remember the artworks of Rod Hunt, they are isometric as the other artists of this genre, but they got something really interesting about it: they are not squared and pixelated illustrations, they are all drawed.
Well, enough talking guys, I think you will dig his style as much as me, also fell free to access his Website and find some awesome Case-studies of his pieces.
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This guy is a truly talented artist, and his work makes me wish even more I could illustration. I mean, just look at these… they’re fantastic! All these lines in his work remind me of Raúl Trevino’s work (from last week’s post), which is pretty cool. Both get these rough, sketchy feel to it. Anyways, for more of Skottie’s work, you may visit his portfolio. I hope you enjoy these! Cheers! 😉
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POSTED IN Blog, Graphic Design, Illustration, Inspiration, Photography | NO COMMENTS TAGS : art, best, creative, daily, design, graphic, illustration, inspiration, original, video, web
If you want to participate and share your graphic design inspiration, just send us, via email, the image with the link from where you found it, also use “Daily Inspiration” in the subject.
Al b sure
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If you haven’t been to Hey Oscar Wilde! … It’s Clobberin’ Time – the illustrations of literary figures blog – in a while, now’s probably a good time to check back there. Blogger, Steven Gettis has updated with tons of great illustrations (including the above/scary Lord of the Flies illustration by Sam Weber – PS. Johnny wrote more about that project here).
Also check out Dune illustration by Dustin Harbin, Haruki Murakami by Jeffrey Brown and this George Orwell caricature by Kevin Nowlan.