Posts Tagged "art"

If you want to participate and share your graphic design inspiration, just send us, via email, the image with the link from where you found it, also use “Daily Inspiration” in the subject.

Al b sure

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If you haven’t been to Hey Oscar Wilde! … It’s Clobberin’ Time – the illustrations of literary figures blog – in a while, now’s probably a good time to check back there. Blogger, Steven Gettis has updated with tons of great illustrations (including the above/scary Lord of the Flies illustration by Sam Weber – PS. Johnny wrote more about that project here).

Also check out Dune illustration by Dustin Harbin, Haruki Murakami by Jeffrey Brown and this George Orwell caricature by Kevin Nowlan.

Robert Carteris an award-winning illustrator. He combines a strong foundation in portraiture with a unique sense of visual and conceptual problem-solving to create striking, vibrant, and textured illustrations and portraits with subjects ranging from the realistic to the surreal.

For more of his great work, visit his portfolio. Cheers!

Cool Illustrations by Robert Carter

Cool Illustrations by Robert Carter

Cool Illustrations by Robert Carter

Cool Illustrations by Robert Carter

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How designers get influenced by music is an informative article about the combination of music and design. Eleven designers talk about their experiences and views on music among them like Alex Beltechi, Pete Harrison and Rik Ooestenbroek. It is totally worth to check out.

This time I also have some different views on the same topic. I’d love to discuss everything with you guys more, so just leave a comment. My question is:

“How does music inspire you and what music do you listen to, while designing?”

Shadow Chen

How Designers get influenced by Music

How Designers get influenced by Music


I love music second to I love art, sometimes even more, in my opinion music is the most amazing thing people can give to this world, it’s magical, inspirational, sentimental, healing…it’s everything.I always dreamed of being a musician, or a singer performing on the stage, I think it’s the most precious and desirable gift people can have, since I’m not good enough to do that, I transform my feelings while hearing the music to my artworks, hence it become a very special and inspiring process for me.Music can be art , and art can be music.

My favorite genre is rock, new wave, post punk, shoegaze, dreampop, downtempo…there are too many, my top musicians are The Cure ,The Flaming lips, Robin Guthrie…I’m also a chill-out radio fan, love listening to belowzero and anji bee’s chillcast.

Justin Maller

How Designers get influenced by Music

How Designers get influenced by Music


“Music is an integral, interwoven, intangible yet indispensable part of my creative process. I tend to save listening to my favourite albums for times where I need to produce my best creative work – I will often watch movies when drumming out less inspired work, but find that my imagination really fires up when the tunes kick in. I have no set genre or band that I listen to when I create – I just listen to whatever album it is that I have on rotation and see where it takes me. Lately I’ve been listening to The XX, Led Zeppelin and Bloc Party – it’s made for some really wonderful creative sessions.”
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al b sure

Digital Art selected=

Digital Art selected=

Digital Art selected=

Digital Art selected=


PCR Robot (Multilight Test Maxwell Render) from Bergie81 on Vimeo.


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Currently looking for permanent roles