Posts Tagged "drawings"

If you haven’t been to Hey Oscar Wilde! … It’s Clobberin’ Time – the illustrations of literary figures blog – in a while, now’s probably a good time to check back there. Blogger, Steven Gettis has updated with tons of great illustrations (including the above/scary Lord of the Flies illustration by Sam Weber – PS. Johnny wrote more about that project here).

Also check out Dune illustration by Dustin Harbin, Haruki Murakami by Jeffrey Brown and this George Orwell caricature by Kevin Nowlan.

Andrew is a 23 year old illustrator from Auckland, New Zealand. I wish I knew the right words to describe my feelings for his work. If I had to try I think it’s probably his kooky style that I really dig– his off-beat color schemes, low saturation, and cartoon-y figures. Major eye candy. I’m loving it.

I grew up with pens and paint but then the personal computer dominated the world and so I had to try it out, which is reflected in my work. I use a healthy mix of both traditional and digital techniques with no real preference of medium. I didn’t take art through my younger years, but I did eat crayons which quite possibly is where my off-beat colour palettes come from.

Check out more from Andrew at his portfolio and let me know what you think via twitter or facebook!

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